傲讯全通科技有限公司联同毅达讯数码方案有限公司及荣尧泰国际科技有限公司,成功地举办「OceanX ECMOceanX WorkFlow将手动工作流程转换成电子化流程系统」研讨会


中国香港 – 2021年8月30日 – 傲讯全通科技有限公司联同毅达讯数码方案有限公司及荣尧泰国际科技有限公司,成功地在2021年8月19日举办「OceanX ECM和OceanX WorkFlow将手动工作流程转换成电子化流程系统」研讨会。

OceanX ECM是一个全面的企业内容管理系统,其中包括文档管理系统、工作流、文档捕获、协作、共同编辑、共享、门户网站和许多强大的功能。OceanX ECM是本地创新产品,更具灵活性和成本效益。


本次网络研讨会分享了我们在政府部门 / 局的经验:


  1. A 部门 庫存管理

依据《物料供应及采购规例》,替换现有的人工盘点系统,并将 GF272 中的手写记录数码化。


  1. B 部门许可证申请



  1. C 数码化咨询管理系统(DCMS)

C 局的数码化咨询管理系统(DCMS)包括:

– “项目管理子模块”促进项目管理和项目执行,并进行监控和控制。

– “文档管理子模块”电子文件/文档/报告/图纸的有效管理。


  1. D 数字邮件收发室

数字邮件收发室 – 将信件分发流程电子化、自动化。对职员而言,这些自动化技术的使用,能让信息触手可及。


  1. 专利的BuildingBlocks 技术

– 无需编程即可构建用户界面的专利技术,以提高用户采用率。



参加者反应热烈,对 OceanX ECM提出各类的疑问。



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Hong Kong, China – 26 Aug, 2021 – OceanX Technology Limited, Active e-Solution Limited and Integrated Global Solutions Limited co-organized the “Transform your manual operation and workflow into electronic automation system by using OceanX ECM and OceanX WorkFlow” workshop on 19 Aug, 2021.

OceanX ECM is a comprehensive Enterprise Content Management system which includes Document Management System, Workflow, OCR, Capture, Collaboration, Co-Editing, Share, Portal and many powerful features.

OceanX ECM is local innovation product, more flexible & cost effective.


In this webinar, we share our experience in Government Departments / Bureaus:

  1. Department A – Replace the existing manual inventory system and digitalize handwriting record in GF272, in accordance with the Stores and Procurement Regulation.
  2. Department B – Convert manual operation and workflow of the Permit application into electronic automation system. Capture permit application’s forms and information through mail, email, fax and website into one single Window.
  3. Department C – Digital Consultancy Management System (DCMS) for Department C includes: “Project Management Sub module” facilitate project management and execution of projects. Monitor and control of the delivery of the deliverables. “Document Management Sub module” implement for pursuing effective management of electronic files / documents / reports / drawings.
  4. Department D – Digital Central Mailroom system- to achieve the digitalization and automation of inbound and outbound mail services.
  5. BuildingBlocks Technology – Patented technology to construct user interface without programming to increase user adoption.


The participants responded enthusiastically and raised a lot of questions about OceanX ECM.

OceanX will continue to listen to clients’ needs, understand their industry requirements and upgrade enterprise content management solution with better and more efficient functions to meet fast-growing markets.

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