中国香港 – 2020年2月27日 – 傲讯全通科技有限公司联同毅达讯数码方案有限公司,成功地举办「大多数成功的律师事务所已经在使用文件和电子邮件管理系统。 你在等什么?」研讨会。


OceanX ECM是功能强大的一站式文档管理系统,旨在为律师事务所,专业服务公司和公司法务部门管理法律事务以改善流程。


OceanX ECM包括以下功能

  • 以案件为中心的协作和电子案件文件夹 – OceanX ECM中的“案件文件夹”包含所有案件文档(包括扫描的图像,软拷贝文档和电子邮件)。多个用户可以同时为内部和外部使用它。
  • 电子邮件管理 – OceanX ECM为专家提供了一个平台,可用于管理电子邮件和文档,将其组合到替换为“案件文件夹”中,以案件为中心进行协作。
  • Outlook Add-in – Outlook加载项将Microsoft Outlook与OceanX ECM系统集成在一起,使用户可以直接在Microsoft Outlook界面中存储和管理电子邮件。
  • Office Add-in – Office加载项将Microsoft Office与OceanX ECM系统集成在一起。 它使用户可以直接从Microsoft Office Interface在OceanX ECM中打开、编辑、保存或创建文档版本。
  • OceanX PDFX – 使用水印,页码,贝特编号和安全控制将任何文档转换为PDF的工具。 它还可以将案件文件夹中的文档绑定到带有目录和封面的问题圣经中。


参加者反应热烈,对 OceanX ECM提出各类的疑问。

通过研讨会,与会者对Office / Outlook 集成、业务流程管理、OceanX PDFX和OceanX Capture表现出极大的兴趣。


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Hong Kong, China – 27 Feb, 2020 – OceanX Technology Limited and Active e-Solution Limited jointly organized the “Most successful law firms already use document and e-mail management system. What are you waiting for?” workshop.

OceanX ECM is a powerful one-stop Document Management System designed for Legal Firms, Professional Service Firms and Corporate Legal Department in managing the legal matter to improve processes.



  • Matter-Centric Collaboration & Electronic Matter Folders – Matter Folders in OceanX ECM contains all the matter documents (including scanned images, soft copy documents and emails). Multiple users could work on it for internal and external parties at the same time.
  • Email Management – OceanX ECM provides a platform for professionals to manage emails together with documents and combines them into a single Matter Folder for matter-centric collaboration.
  • Outlook Add-in – Outlook Add-in integrates Microsoft Outlook with OceanX ECM system, enables users to store and manage emails directly in Microsoft Outlook interface.
  • Office Add-in – Office Add-in integrates Microsoft Office with OceanX ECM system.  It enables users to Open, Edit, Save or Create Versions of documents in OceanX ECM directly from Microsoft Office Interface.
  • OceanX PDFX – The tool to convert any documents to PDF with Watermark, Page Numbers, Bate Numbers and Security Control.  It can also bind documents in a matter folder into Matter Bibles with table of content and cover page.


The participants responded enthusiastically and raised a lot of questions about OceanX ECM.

Through the workshop, the participants showed great interest in Office Add-in, Outlook Add-in, Workflow, OceanX PDFX and OceanX Capture.

OceanX will continue to listen to clients’ needs, understand their industry requirements and upgrade enterprise content management solution with better and more efficient functions to meet fast-growing markets.


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