Novetex Textiles Replaces Existing Fax Server with OceanFax FoIP for Better Performance of Paperless Faxing, Connecting Multi-site Offices in Hong Kong and China

Novetex Textiles Replaces Existing Fax Server with OceanFax FoIP for Better Performance of Paperless Faxing, Connecting Multi-site Offices in Hong Kong and China

Hong Kong – 21 March 2013 – Novetex Textiles Ltd. recently has signed a deal with OceanX to use OceanFax FoIP as its new fax tool, replacing its existing fax server to connect the multi-site offices in Hong Kong and China.


Project Highlights – OceanFax FoIP

  • Replace its existing fax server with OceanFax FoIP
    • The global pioneering and Asia’s first boardless network fax solution
    • No need for additional hardware for faxing
  • Run in VM environment
  • Connect the multi-site offices in Hong Kong and China


Why OceanFax?

  • Dramatically reduce operational costs by reducing paper usage and telecom cost
  • Support auto backup and single-click restore
    • Automatically backup the data including cover-sheet, fax images, database, system rules, configuration, and etc.
    • Administrator can restore all backup data with single-button click.
  • User friendly


For more information, please visit OceanFax FoIP.


About Novetex Textiles Ltd.

Novetex was established in 1976 and have more than 1000 employees. The company has developed to being one of the world’s largest single site yarn spinners.

As part of the Novel Group, the company’s headquarters is located in Hong Kong and its factory in Zhuhai, Southern China. The factory houses 4 spinning mills, a dyeing mill and 50 production lines, which have an annual capacity of 9 million kilograms of high quality yarn.

Novetex holds a large stock service of colors in a diverse range of yarn blends and counts all crafted from the world’s finest fibers. It also offers a customize service for customers to use its facilities to create their own unique yarns and colors to fulfill their specific needs.

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香港-2013年3月21日-龙达纺织有限公司近日选用OceanFax FoIP传真服务器,取代原有传真服务器品牌,大幅提高传真自动化性能,并整合香港、内地多地传真。


项目亮点-OceanFax FoIP传真服务器

  • 选用OceanFax FoIP传真服务器,取代原有传真服务器品牌,大幅提高传真自动化性能
    • 全球领先及亚洲第一的无板卡(纯软件)IP电子传真服务器
    • 用现有的IP电话技术基础设施
    • 毋须增加传真硬件
    • 运行于VM环境
  • 整合香港、内地多地传真

为什么选用OceanFax FoIP传真服务器?

  • 通过减少耗纸量及降低电信费,大幅降低运营成本
  • 支持自动备份及一键恢复
      • 可自动备份数据,包括公司抬头、传真内容、数据库、系统规则及系统设置等
      • 系统管理员可一键恢复所有备份数据,方便极速
  • 界面友好,易学易用

OceanFax FoIP传真服务器




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