Glaxosmithkline Shanghai R&D China Replaces Fax Machine with OceanFax FoIP, Leveraging Investment in Existing IP Telephony Infrastructure

Shanghai – 18 September 2012 – GlaxoSmithKline (China) R&D Co., Ltd. recently has signed a deal with OceanX to use OceanFax FoIP to effectively transition from traditional to paperless faxing, replacing fax machine.



  • OceanFax FoIP with VM solution
    • The global pioneering and Asia’s first boardless network fax solution
    • Leverage investment in existing IP telephony infrastructure
    • No need for additional hardware for faxing
  • Delegate groups to view and forward public account’s inbound faxes for public sharing
  • Email integration
  • 2 channels

About OceanFax FoIP

OceanFax FoIP is the global pioneering and Asia’s first boardless (software only) Fax over IP solution. Leveraging your investment in planned or existing IP telephony infrastructure, OceanFax FoIP supports real time fax transmission over the internet on a VoIP network, with the most advanced FoIP integration for Cisco, Avaya, Alcatel-Lucent, Microsoft Lync, Siemen, Dialogic, Shoretel IPT and AudioCodes Fax/Voice gateways. OceanFax FoIP software is typically deployed and administered in virtual machine (VM) environment using VMware, Hyper-V and Virtual PC, instead of a physical server, with no need for additional hardware for faxing. As a mature, field-proven boardless FoIP solution, OceanFax FoIP is innovative, fast, secure and robust that has proven its market leadership in the FoIP industry, managing large fax volumes and delivers high levels of scalability, reliability and availability. By applying it, organizations drastically reduce telecom costs, protect document privacy more effectively and facilitate compliance with regulations, as well as seamlessly integrate Fax into Email, ERP and MFP. For more information, please visit OceanFax FoIP.


About Glaxosmithkline

GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) (LSE: GSK, NYSE: GSK) is a British multinational pharmaceutical, biologics, vaccines and consumer healthcare company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the world’s fourth-largest pharmaceutical company measured by 2009 prescription drug sales. It was established in 2000 by the merger of Glaxo Wellcome plc and SmithKline Beecham plc. GSK has a portfolio of products for major disease areas including asthma, cancer, virus control, infections, mental health, diabetes, and digestive conditions. 
GSK opened its first R&D centre in China in May 2007, located in Shanghai and initially focused on neurodegenerative diseases.

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上海-2012年9月18日-葛兰素史克中国研发中心近日与傲讯全通公司签约,选用OceanFax FoIP,利用与OceanFax配套的传真网关,通过FoIP技术收发传真,实现传真无纸化。并通过委托给用户组,共享公用账号所收传真。



  • 部署于VM虚拟环境的OceanFax FoIP
    • 全球领先及亚洲第一的无板卡(纯软件)IP电子传真服务器
    • 利用与OceanFax配套的传真网关,通过FoIP技术收发传真
    • 毋须增加硬件
  • 通过委托给用户组,授权多个用户查看或转发某公用账号所收传真,方便共享
  • 电邮集成
  • 2通道

关于OceanFax FoIP

  OceanFax FoIP是全球领先及亚洲第一的无板卡(纯软件)IP电子传真服务器,与Cisco、Avaya、Alcatel-Lucent、Microsoft Lync、Siemen、Dialogic、Shoretel IPT及AudioCodes传真/语音网关兼容,通过安全可靠的网络高效传输大批量电子传真,适用于所有已部署或计划部署IP电话技术基础设施的机构。该服务器不但创新、高效、安全和强劲,而且具高吞吐量、高可用性、高扩展性和高可靠性,在无板卡(纯软件)IP电子传真服务器市场领域稳居领导地位。通过应用OceanFax FoIP,企业实现传真电子化和自动化,大大降低纸张消耗和提高办公效率;摈除传统的人手操作的传真模式,节省人力;通过安全可靠的网络进行传真传输,大幅降低电信费用;保证文档私密性,实现法规遵从;实现传真与电邮、后端系统及多功能一体机无缝集成。如需了解更多信息,请访问:OceanFax FoIP。





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