中国香港 – 2020年4月28日 – 傲讯全通科技有限公司联同毅达讯数码方案有限公司,成功地举办「代替你不安全及混乱的 File Server 和难用的 SharePoint」研讨会。

OceanX ECM提供完整企业内容管理解决方案,功能模块包括文档管理系统 (DMS),工作流程(WorkFlow),Office Add-in,Outlook Add-in,扫描(Capture),借阅 (Share),网盘(Drive) 和PDFX。

OceanX ECM是创新科技基金资助项目

  • OceanX ECM: ITF SERAP – E/P047/14
  • OceanX BPM: ITF ESS – B/E033/16



  • Office Add-in
  • 和Microsoft Office无缝整合,直接归档到ECM
  • 提供签入 / 签出 / 版本控制,以保护「单一真相的版本」(Single version of the Truth)
  • Outlook Add-in – 电邮管理,Send & File。用户还可以直接在Microsoft Outlook查阅和处理文件
  • OceanX Workflow – 提供文档的工作流应用程序
  • OceanX Capture – 扫描文件,利用专利的CapturePlus技术,将OCR准确率提高到99%
  • 资料保密度高 – AES 256加密,访问控制和审计日志
  • 专利的BuildingBlocks – 为用户提供个人化界面,提升用户采用率


参加者反应热烈,对 OceanX ECM提出各类的疑问。

通过研讨会,与会者对Office / Outlook 集成、业务流程管理、OceanX PDFX和OceanX Capture表现出极大的兴趣。



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Hong Kong, China – 28 Apr, 2020 – OceanX Technology Limited and Active e-Solution Limited jointly organized the “Replaces your Insecure & Chaotic File Server and Unfriendly SharePoint” workshop.

OceanX ECM provides a complete Enterprise Content Management solution with functional modules including Document Management System (DMS), WorkFlow, Office Add-in, Outlook Add-in, Email Management, Capture, Share, Drive and PDFX.


  • High Security – AES 256 encryption, document history, access control and audit trail
  • Office Add-in – Tightly integrates Microsoft Office, enables users to Open, Edit, Save or Create in OceanX ECM
  • Version Control – Provide check-in / check-out / version control to protect “Single Version Of The Truth”
  • Email Management – Manage and archive emails together with documents into a related project Folder
  • Outlook Add-in – Users can view and process files directly in Microsoft Outlook
  • OceanX Share – Securely share documents
  • OceanX Workflow – Document workflow application
  • OceanX Capture – Scan documents, patented CapturePlus technology improves OCR accuracy to 99.99%
  • Patented BuildingBlocks – Provide users with a personalized interface, increase user adoption rate

The participants responded enthusiastically and raised a lot of questions about OceanX ECM.

Through the workshop, the participants showed great interest in Office Add-in, Outlook Add-in and security issues, such as encryption.

OceanX will continue to listen to clients’ needs, understand their industry requirements and upgrade enterprise content management solution with better and more efficient functions to meet fast-growing markets.

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