Transport Department selected OceanFax 45-channels FoIP solution with seamless integration with its large-scale and core Transport Instant Management system.

Hong Kong – 12 October 2015 – Transport Department chose OceanFax 45-channels FoIP solution, seamlessly integrating with its large-scale and core Transport Instant Management system. The centralized management under the new system enhances efficiency and accuracy. Compared with the previous system which sent emergency notification faxes manually through fax machine and server, Oceanfax solution enables the system to send such kind of faxes fully automatically. The new OceanFax system enables the users to monitor the instant fax status and operate faxes via a centralized Transport Management system. It also provides a new incoming barcode function which adds barcodes for incoming fax which eases the document recognition and retrieving from the database. The OceanFax solution is a total solution with capability and flexibility and offers a high availability system to replace the previous one which has no redundant capability. Since the OceanFax system is easy to integrate with the existing Transport system, the new system can use the previous faxing method to trigger a group of receivers when the department has to send out massive emergency fax notifications when emergent transport incidents happen.
Project Highlight
- OceanFax FoIP solution
- Previously, the emergency notification faxes were sent through fax machine and server manually. But now all the processes and emergency notification fax will be fully automatically handled by Transport Instant Management system in which Oceanfax servers are equipped
Why OceanFax?
- Seamlessly integrate with the large-scale Transport Instant Management system, increasing the efficiency and accuracy
- Users can monitor the instant fax status and manipulate faxes via a centralized Transport Management system
- Provide a total solution with capability and flexibility as well as high available system to replace the old system which has no redundant capability
- Provide Incoming Barcode function for easy document recognition and retrieving from the database
- Easy for system migration, the new system can apply old faxing method to trigger a group of receivers once massive emergency fax notifications have to be sent
About Transport Department
The Transport Department is a department of the Hong Kong SAR Government which is responsible for administering the Road Traffic Ordinance and legislation for the management of road traffic, regulation of public transport services and operation of major transport infrastructures. The Department strive its best to maintain Hong Kong moving by managing road traffic, regulating public transport services, issuing licenses to drivers and vehicles, promoting road safety as well as planning to face the increasing demand for transport facilities and services.