Rating & Valuation Department chose OceanFax solution in order to achieve office automation, flexible integration, high security, easy management, low total cost of ownership as well as Unicode support.

Hong Kong – 21 April 2015 – In order to achieve office automation, Rating and Valuation Department selected OceanFax appliance base which is easy for their private cloud which is easy for users to manage and integrate with the existing system flexibly. With the new Oceanfax solution, the total cost of ownership is greatly reduced and security is enhanced with AES 256 encryption. The new system also supports Unicode.
Project Highlight
- Office Automation for the department
Why OceanFax?
- Low TCO
- Flexible integration
- Appliance base easy to manage
- High Security with AES 256 encryption
- Support Unicode
About Rating & Valuation Department
Rating & Valuation Department is a department of Hong Kong SAR Government responsible for assessing properties to rates and government rents, keeping accounts and issuing demand notes. It offers property valuation advice to Government Bureaux and Departments as well as advisory and mediatory services regarding landlord and tenant issues.