OceanX Releases OceanFax 3.0, Leading the Trend of Fax Technology

Hong Kong – June 15, 2012 – The leading fax server provider OceanX Technology Limited today announced that the company released the version 3.0 of its flagship OceanFax Fax Server, to meet customers’ increasing expectations and by leveraging its strong research capability. Getting a gorgeous upgrade, the new version is equipped with multiple innovative and practical new features, aiming to bring customers a better experience!

Researched and developed by OceanX, the No.1 best-selling and award-winning OceanFax Fax Server is the most innovative world-class fax server. It enables organizations to achieve paperless and intelligent faxing. By seamlessly integrating into regular work applications and devices, OceanFax consolidates and streamlines business and fax processes, improves efficiency and reduces operational costs. Immediately after launching, OceanFax became popular and has been widely applied in different industries, including Government, Banking & Finance, Insurance, Manufacturing, Trading, Logistics, and etc. Now OceanFax already has a large customer base and earns high recognition from users.

OceanFax V3.0’s new functions mainly include Auto Reply, Barcode Recognition & Auto Distribution, Approval & Stamp, Data Security, Image Plus Patent Technology, Self-defined Chinese and Image Header & Footer, Time Stamp, Built-in Fax Viewer/Editor, Fax Preview,, and etc. All the new features are designed delicately, aiming to better meet clients’ new requirements.

Auto Reply

  • Sends an auto receipt back to the sender according to Caller ID, CSID or the fax number matched with either. 
  • The receipt’s content and style are customizable, and generally include the ID number and the first page of the inbound fax.

Barcode Recognition & Auto Distribution

  • Automatically recognizes the barcode message and route to users’ mail boxes:
    By recognizing the messages in barcode, the new version supports to automatically route inbound faxes to the pre-defined users’ mail boxes;
  • Supports to recognize different kinds of barcodes;
  • Turns barcode message into an xml file individually and exports the file together with fax image to network drive for archive or the third-party system for importing;
  • Also automatically exports barcode message to the pre-defined fields, which will be displayed in the fax list in the desktop client and web client for quick search.

Approval & Stamp

  • Users are free to create approval tasks, pre-define approvers and add stamp, signature and note.
  • Supports multi-layer approval and batch stamp;
  • Stores e-signature and e-stamp in original color;
  • Supports stamp management.

Data Security

  • The new version supports AES Symmetric key encryption and Https/SSL transfer, to protect the safety and ensure confidentiality of fax data during transmission and storage.

Image Plus Patent Technology

  • Enable Super Delicate Image Processing:
    By applying the technology, OceanFax achieves the highest quality of fax conversion in the field, and provides the sharpest fax image in the market, avoiding the difficulty of the message to be read due to its fuzzy fax image.
  • OceanX invented Image Plus Technology and has officially applied for the patent protection.

Self-defined Chinese and Image Header & Footer

  • The Header & Footer in the new version supports Multilanguage (e.g. English, Traditional and Simplified Chinese) and image. The messages, including a recipient’s name, a company name and a corporate logo can be inserted automatically to the Header & Footer.
  • Users can also create a standard corporate Header & Footer to display corporate logo and company address.

Time Stamp

  • The new version automatically adds the receiving time, page number, CSID and Caller ID to all inbound faxes, which facilitates users to have the related fax information when they view fax image.

Built-in Fax Viewer/Editor

  • The new version supports to save, edit, forward, route, sign, stamp, split and combine faxes;
  • Supports to drag and drop stamp and signature;
  • Log is written to record the execution of each step.

Fax Preview

  • Users can preview content by Reading Pane without opening fax images. The new feature enables users to browse fax images by simple operation and intuitive way of reading.
  • Similar to Outlook, users can customize the Reading Pane to suit the way that they like, including right, bottom and even off.
  • Users can have an overview of multiple fax images by simply clicking “Thumbnails” in the Reading Pane.

Barcode Recognition

Fax Preview (Thumbnails)

“As a leading fax server provider, OceanX always values customers’ comments and innovates with rollout of new features.” said Mr. Tse Chiu Hing, OceanX CEO, “Our flagship OceanFax Fax Server has been the No.1 best-selling fax server for years, been popular among enterprise users and won authoritative national awards repeatedly. In order to better serve our customers and pursue perfection, we upgrade OceanFax to V3.0 and deliver multiple innovative new features. It is no doubt that the new version will explore and lead the trend of fax technology and arouse another fashion of intelligent faxing in the business world!”

Hong Kong – June 15, 2012 – The leading fax server provider OceanX Technology Limited today announced that the company released the version 3.0 of its flagship OceanFax Fax Server, to meet customers’ increasing expectations and by leveraging its strong research capability. Getting a gorgeous upgrade, the new version is equipped with multiple innovative and practical new features, aiming to bring customers a better experience!

Researched and developed by OceanX, the No.1 best-selling and award-winning OceanFax Fax Server is the most innovative world-class fax server. It enables organizations to achieve paperless and intelligent faxing. By seamlessly integrating into regular work applications and devices, OceanFax consolidates and streamlines business and fax processes, improves efficiency and reduces operational costs. Immediately after launching, OceanFax became popular and has been widely applied in different industries, including Government, Banking & Finance, Insurance, Manufacturing, Trading, Logistics, and etc. Now OceanFax already has a large customer base and earns high recognition from users.

OceanFax V3.0’s new functions mainly include Auto Reply, Barcode Recognition & Auto Distribution, Approval & Stamp, Data Security, Image Plus Patent Technology, Self-defined Chinese and Image Header & Footer, Time Stamp, Built-in Fax Viewer/Editor, Fax Preview,, and etc. All the new features are designed delicately, aiming to better meet clients’ new requirements.

Auto Reply

  • Sends an auto receipt back to the sender according to Caller ID, CSID or the fax number matched with either. 
  • The receipt’s content and style are customizable, and generally include the ID number and the first page of the inbound fax.

Barcode Recognition & Auto Distribution

  • Automatically recognizes the barcode message and route to users’ mail boxes:
    By recognizing the messages in barcode, the new version supports to automatically route inbound faxes to the pre-defined users’ mail boxes;
  • Supports to recognize different kinds of barcodes;
  • Turns barcode message into an xml file individually and exports the file together with fax image to network drive for archive or the third-party system for importing;
  • Also automatically exports barcode message to the pre-defined fields, which will be displayed in the fax list in the desktop client and web client for quick search.

Approval & Stamp

  • Users are free to create approval tasks, pre-define approvers and add stamp, signature and note.
  • Supports multi-layer approval and batch stamp;
  • Stores e-signature and e-stamp in original color;
  • Supports stamp management.

Data Security

  • The new version supports AES Symmetric key encryption and Https/SSL transfer, to protect the safety and ensure confidentiality of fax data during transmission and storage.

Image Plus Patent Technology

  • Enable Super Delicate Image Processing:
    By applying the technology, OceanFax achieves the highest quality of fax conversion in the field, and provides the sharpest fax image in the market, avoiding the difficulty of the message to be read due to its fuzzy fax image.
  • OceanX invented Image Plus Technology and has officially applied for the patent protection.

Self-defined Chinese and Image Header & Footer

  • The Header & Footer in the new version supports Multilanguage (e.g. English, Traditional and Simplified Chinese) and image. The messages, including a recipient’s name, a company name and a corporate logo can be inserted automatically to the Header & Footer.
  • Users can also create a standard corporate Header & Footer to display corporate logo and company address.

Time Stamp

  • The new version automatically adds the receiving time, page number, CSID and Caller ID to all inbound faxes, which facilitates users to have the related fax information when they view fax image.

Built-in Fax Viewer/Editor

  • The new version supports to save, edit, forward, route, sign, stamp, split and combine faxes;
  • Supports to drag and drop stamp and signature;
  • Log is written to record the execution of each step.

Fax Preview

  • Users can preview content by Reading Pane without opening fax images. The new feature enables users to browse fax images by simple operation and intuitive way of reading.
  • Similar to Outlook, users can customize the Reading Pane to suit the way that they like, including right, bottom and even off.
  • Users can have an overview of multiple fax images by simply clicking “Thumbnails” in the Reading Pane.

Barcode Recognition

Fax Preview (Thumbnails)

“As a leading fax server provider, OceanX always values customers’ comments and innovates with rollout of new features.” said Mr. Tse Chiu Hing, OceanX CEO, “Our flagship OceanFax Fax Server has been the No.1 best-selling fax server for years, been popular among enterprise users and won authoritative national awards repeatedly. In order to better serve our customers and pursue perfection, we upgrade OceanFax to V3.0 and deliver multiple innovative new features. It is no doubt that the new version will explore and lead the trend of fax technology and arouse another fashion of intelligent faxing in the business world!”


  香港-2012年6月15日-传真服务器领导厂商傲讯全通科技有限公司今日宣布,为满足客户不断提出的新需求,经傲讯全通倾力打造,其旗舰产品OceanFax传真服务器(OceanFax Fax Server)再次华丽升级,推出全新3.0版本。新版本所推出的多项新功能,极富创新性及实用性,与业务需求紧密相扣,必为用户带来更佳体验!


  OceanFax 3.0新增的创新功能主要包括:自动传真回复、条形码识别及自动分发、自定义流程审批及电子签章、数据加密/安全传输、超精细Image Plus图像转换增强专利技术、自定义中文/图形页眉页脚、时间戳、内置传真浏览/编辑器、传真预览等,功能设计更细致,更能满足客户新需求。

Auto Reply

  • 实现自动回传传真确认函:
  • 回复内容及样式可自定义,一般包括所收传真的ID号及传真第一页。

Barcode Recognition & Auto Distribution

  • 自动识别读取传真件中的条码信息,支持多种码制,可实现基于条码信息的自动分发,即按照条码中包含的用户信息将传真自动分发到指定用户;
  • 支持条码识别结果输出,将条码识别结果以xml等格式同传真图像一同输出至网络路径以作存档或供第三方系统导入;
  • 也可把条码识别结果自动导入至指定字段,在客户端/Web客户端传真列表中一并显示,便于在系统中查询传真。

Approval & Stamp

  • 用户可自由创建审批任务及添加公章、签名或批注。
  • 支持多级审批及批量审批;
  • 支持原色电子签名及签章;
  • 提供签章管理功能。

Data Security

  • 支持对称加密技术及Https/SSL安全传输协议,保证数据在传输及储存过程中的安全性及机密性。

超精细Image Plus 图像转换增强专利技术
Image Plus Technology

  • 大幅提高传真转换质量,将电子文档及图像在转换时的质量损失减少至最低,避免由于传真失真而导致小字体不可认读,大大提高传真清晰度,达到市场最高水平;
  • 该技术由傲讯全通自主研发并已申请专利

Self-defined Chinese and Image Header & Footer

  • 页眉页脚支持中英文(包括中文繁简体)字符,可自动加入收件人姓名、公司等信息,并可插入图片。
  • 用户可采用公司Logo加地址等信息创建标准的企业传真页眉页脚格式。

Time Stamp

  • 在接收传真的页脚处自动加入接收时间、页数、对方传真标识及来电显示等信息,方便用户在查看传真图像时也可获知接收信息。

Built-in Fax Viewer / Editor

  • 方便用户保存、编辑、转发、路由、签名、盖章、分拆及合并传真;
  • 支持签章及签名拖放;
  • 支持传真日志,记录每个用户对每份传真的每步操作。

Fax Preview

  • 用户可直接通过阅读窗格预览传真内容,无须逐一打开传真,传真查看操作方式简单,阅读方式直观明了;
  • 阅读窗格设置类似Outlook,可按左右或上下划分,也可取消预览窗格;
  • 支持缩略图预览。



