OceanFax Fax Server Wins China Outstanding Software Product Award for Third Consecutive Year

  • Win this Prestigious Award for Three Consecutive Years in 2011, 2012 and 2013
  • China’s Only Fax Server to Win this National Software Award
  • Selected to Win the Award on behalf of Hong Kong Software Industry

Fax ServerBeijing – 31 May 2014 – OceanX recently announced that its flagship OceanFax Fax Server has received China Outstanding Software Product Award 2013 from China Software Industry Association led by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC. This is the third consecutive year that OceanFax has received this prestigious award on behalf of Hong Kong Software industry, again the only fax server in China to win this national software award, with the same honor in 2011 and 2012.

Winning the COSPA for three consecutive years demonstrates OceanX’s absolute advantage over another and leading position in fax server sector. (Take a look at the list of Hong Kong winners from the event.)

Award Presentation Ceremony (Hong Kong Region)

On May 29, the China Outstanding Software Product Awards 2013 (Hong Kong Region) Presentation Ceremony was held at the Int’l Soft China 2014 from May 29 to 31 in Beijing Exhibition Centre where 4 awardees were announced. OceanX attended the ceremony and received the award.

Fax Server


Fax Server

Mr. Tse Chiu Hing, OceanX CEO (middle) receives the certificate and wooden plaque from Mr. Daniel Lai, BBS, JP, Government Chief Information Officer and Mr. Li Wen, Vice Minister of Education, Science and Technology Department of Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R.

Fax Server

Winners’ Group Photo

“It is a great honor to be the one-and-only fax server solution to receive the COSPA in three consecutive years, especially on behalf of Hong Kong software industry.” said Tse Chiu Hing, OceanX CEO, “Winning this national award not only highly recognizes our product strategy of Persistent Innovation and High-end Market Occupancy, but also encourages us fulfilling our mission of providing the best fax solution to customers!”


Winners Exhibition

The “China Outstanding Software Product Award 2013: Winners Exhibition” was also held at Hong Kong Pavilion, Int’l Soft China 2014. OceanX showcased OceanFax Fax Server and shared its profound fax server experience with visitors at the exhibition. The exhibition puts the winning companies in spotlight and promotes their software products to both Hong Kong and overseas professional visitors.

Fax Server

Hong Kong Pavilion, Int’l Soft China 2014


Fax Server

Mr. Miao Wei, Minister of MIIT (middle) visits Hong Kong Pavilion, Int’l Soft China 2014


Fax Server

Mr. Jonny IP, Vice Chairman & CEO of Hong Kong Software Industry Association (right) visits OceanX’s booth


OceanFax FoIP Fax Server – Global Pioneering & Asia’s First Boardless (Software Only) Fax over IP

Asia’s Only FoIP Fax Server Certified Compatible with Cisco & Avaya

Deliver Mature & Proven Centralized Multi-site FoIP Solution

OceanFax FoIP Fax Server is global pioneering & Asia’s first boardless (software only) fax over IP. It is also Asia’s only FoIP fax server certified compatible with Cisco and Avaya, offers mature centralized multi-site FoIP solution proven by numerous customer successes across industries, which supports centralized and virtualized fax infrastructure to deliver services to multiple locations from one central data center. All the sub-categories of OceanFax Fax Server, e.g. Unified Messaging Fax Server, Advanced Fax Server, Enterprise Fax Server and Fax Appliance, support FoIP. With the cutting-edge technology and stable performance, OceanFax FoIP stands out from competitors, commands a large share of high-end fax server market and also leads the trend of the Fax over IP field. OceanFax FoIP is undoubtedly the best choice of customers from all industries.


  • 于2011、2012及2013年度连续三年荣获这一国家级权威大奖
  • 中国唯一获得此奖的传真服务器品牌
  • 代表香港软件业参选并获奖











关于OceanFax FoIP传真服务器

   成熟稳定的Fax over IP多点集中部署方案,亚洲唯一荣获Cisco、Avaya双品牌IPT兼容认证

   OceanFax FoIP传真服务器是全球领先及亚洲第一的无板卡(纯软件)IP电子传真服务器。与Cisco、Avaya、Alcatel-Lucent、Microsoft Lync、Siemens、Dialogic、Shoretel IPT及AudioCodes传真/语音网关兼容,通过安全可靠的IP网络高效传输电子传真,大幅降低电信费用,是使用IP网络解决“传真问题”的最佳和最经济的软件方案,适用于所有已部署或计划部署IP电话技术基础设施的企业。OceanFax FoIP与iPBX无缝集成,通常采用VMware、Hyper-V或Virtual PC技术进行虚拟化部署,毋须增加传真硬件。可与电邮、后端系统及多功能一体机无缝集成。该服务器功能创新、性能强劲、安全可靠,兼具高吞吐量、高可用性及高扩展性,稳居市场领导地位。并有效帮助企业降低纸张消耗及传真费用、摈除人手操作、提高办公效率、确保文档安全、实现法规遵从。

  此外,傲讯全通率先推出、并为各行各业客户实施了成熟稳定的OceanFax FoIP多点集中部署方案。OceanFax FoIP也是亚洲唯一获得Cisco、Avaya双品牌IPT兼容认证、基于IP语音的无板卡传真方案,占领传真服务器高端市场,持续领跑业界。OceanFax传真服务器子系列,包括统一通信服务器、高级企业传真器、企业传真服务器、一体式传真服务器均可支持FoIP。目前,OceanFax FoIP传真服务器已成为中国市场上的技术最尖端、性能最稳定的传真服务器系统,堪称客户的最佳选择,适用于各行各业。
