
Hong Kong – February 14, 2014 – ATAL Environmental Engineering recently selected OceanFax Fax Server instead of many other options.

Project Highlights

  • Select OceanFax rather than many other options


About ATAL Environmental Engineering

ATAL Environmental Engineering is part of the Analogue Group of Companies and is recognized by the industry as a pioneer in the provision of environmental state-of-the-art-technologies and product applications. From large-scale potable water and sewage treatment plants to small filtration and disinfection systems, the company plays a major role in the Mainland China, Macau and Hong Kong’s water, sewage, solid waste and gas treatment industries. Capitalizing on the extensive E & M capability of the ATAL Group, the company has established itself as a leading environmental technology solutions’ provider offering reliable, comprehensive, and superior performance.




  • 多个传真服务器品牌参与夺标,最终OceanFax传真服务器胜出。


  安乐工程集团于1977年成立,发展至今已成为一家拥有15间附属公司,员工总数逾1,800名,年营业额超过30亿港元的机电工程集团。安乐致力提供优质工程,为客户提供一站式解决方案,以实现功能多元化、方便使用、达高效能及环保的目标。安乐拥有多项国际认可资格,包括ISO 9001品质管理系统、ISO 14001环境管理系统及OHSAS 18001职安健管理系统,并拥有具备专业业务水平的团队,涉及环境工程、屋宇装备、运输系统、维修保养、屋宇智能系统、高科技工程、工程承包至专业产品制造等多个范畴。
