One of the HKSAR Government Department selected OceanX ECM to replace outdated Vitova DMS


Hong Kong – 11 Nov 2020 – Before implementing OceanX ECM, that Government Department was using Vitova DMS, which is a legacy system with old-style user interface.

OceanX ECM’s patented BuildingBlocks Technology is flexible to change its interface and functionality according to customer’s requirements without programming. It provides a simplified web interface for their users to search and view documents easily.

In addition, OceanX ECM creates single sign-on for their internal intranet system. They use OceanX Capture to capture documents and then input the data into OceanX ECM with auto-indexing.


Project Highlight

  • BuildingBlocks
  • Single sign-on
  • OceanX Capture


Why OceanX ECM?

  • Patented BuildingBlocks technology provides intuitive user interface
  • Comprehensive Document Management system with capture function



香港 – 2018年1月17日 – 香港某政府总部最近与OceanX签署协议,使用OceanX ECM,为用户提供文档管理方案。客户关注文档资料的保密,OceanX ECM可以提供很多高级保密功能,例如由两级系统管理员授权的“系统变更控制”和完整的系统加密。OceanX ECM帮助政府部门管理机密文档,不用担心资料外泄。




• 安全性和权限设置

• Office 加载项 – 让用户在日常操作中将文档归档到 ECM


为什么选择OceanX ECM?

• 获得专利的Bulidingblocks技术

• 独特的角色和权限功能

• 强大的安全控制

• 价格吸引