Hong Kong Police Force Selects OceanFax for Paperless Faxing and Integrates It with Backend System for Production Fax

Hong Kong Police Force Selects OceanFax for Paperless Faxing and Integrates It with Backend System for Production Fax

Hong Kong – December 23, 2013 – Hong Kong Police Force recently selected OceanFax Fax Server for paperless faxing and integrated OceanFax with its backend system to directly generate and deliver repetitive and high-volume faxes from the backend system.

Project Highlights

  • Select OceanFax to enable paperless faxing
  • Apply OceanFax Production Fax
    • Seamlessly integrate OceanFax with backend system
    • Automatically generate and deliver repetitive and high-volume faxes from backend system


For more information, please visit OceanFax Production Fax.


About Hong Kong Police Force

The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF; Traditional Chinese: 香港警務處), also known as the Hong Kong Police (HKP; Traditional Chinese: 香港警察), is the largest disciplined service under the Security Bureau of Hong Kong. It is the world’s second, and Asia’s first police agency to operate with a modern policing system. The force consists of about 40,000 personnel; which gives Hong Kong the second largest citizen–police officer ratio in the world as of 2014. In addition, the Marine Region with about 3,000 officers and a fleet of 143 vessels is the largest of any civil police force.




  • 选用OceanFax传真服务器,实现无纸传真
  • 与后端系统集成,实现自动传真
    • 与后端系统无缝集成
    • 从后端系统自动批量生成外发传真及将收到的数据自动批量导入后端系统




  香港警务处(亦称香港警察队及香港警队;英文:Hong Kong Police Force,缩写:HKPF)于1844年成立,隶属于香港特别行政区政府保安局,为编制最庞大的香港纪律部队及政府部门,为世界之次及亚洲首个以现代警察制度运作的警察机关。香港警务处于香港境内外全天候为香港社会服务,为香港治安及社会稳定,奠定基础。

