



  傲讯全通公司紧扣大会主题,重点向展会访客推荐了利用企业现有IP网络基础设施实现高效、可靠的电子传真传输的OceanFax FoIP无板卡(纯软件)传真方案。在展会现场,傲讯全通代表通过海报展示、宣传册发放、现场介绍及演示等方式,向来宾详细介绍了OceanFax FoIP传真方案的创新功能、广泛应用、以及较之传统传真服务器的强劲优势,并分享了为不同企业客户所度身定制的个性化FoIP传真解决方案,以及OceanFax同呼叫中心整合所提供的各种应用,使来宾深入了解了OceanFax FoIP电子传真技术给企业所带来的各种好处。傲讯全通代表的专业表现吸引了众多展会访客。前来展位咨询产品者络绎不绝。

成熟稳定的OceanFax FoIP多点集中部署方案,亚洲唯一荣获Cisco、Avaya双品牌IPT兼容认证

  傲讯全通率先推出并为各行各业客户实施了成熟稳定的OceanFax FoIP多点集中部署方案。OceanFax FoIP也是亚洲唯一获得Cisco、Avaya双品牌IPT兼容认证,基于IP语音的无板卡传真方案,占领传真服务器高端市场,持续领跑业界。OceanFax现有子系列,包括统一通信服务器、高级企业传真器、企业传真服务器、一体式传真服务器均可支持FoIP。目前,OceanFax FoIP传真服务器已成为中国市场上的技术最尖端、性能最稳定的传真服务器系统,堪称客户的最佳选择,适用于各行各业。

傲讯全通代表就OceanFax FoIP多点集中部署方案的方案优势、工作原理以及成功案例进行了详细介绍


Beijing, China – March 29, 2014 – For its flagship No.1 Best Selling & Award Winning OceanFax Fax Server won CTI Forum Editors’ Choice in three consecutive years, OceanX Technology Limited was invited to exhibit OceanFax at Call Center & Enterprise Communication Expo China 2014, held from March 27 to 28, 2013 in Beijing, China.

Call Center & Enterprise Communication Expo China is an annual call center and enterprise communication event organized by CTI Forum. It is also the biggest, professional ICT event in Asia Pacific you should not miss. Every year, Asia’s, even World’s top experts and scholars, IT organizations and senior executives and professionals from the industries of IT, Telecommunication, Finance, Manufacturing, Trading and etc. attend the grand event.

The theme of the 2014 annual exhibition, “Internet Communication and Collaboration”, called for a more extensive attention to enterprise communication, call center and next generation communication architecture. The grand event this year attracted the most famous ICT organizations to exhibit their products, showcasing the most cutting-edge ICT technologies and sharing their opinions on the future ICT trends, continuously promoting the development of the industry.

Focusing on the event’s theme, OceanX, the leading provider of fax server in Asia, one of the fastest-growing independent fax software vendors in the global market, recommended its global pioneering and Asia’s first OceanFax boardless (software Only) fax over IP solution, which leverages organizations’ existing IP telephony infrastructure to enable cost-saving, efficient, secure and reliable electronic document delivery.

The company set up a booth in the expo at the thematic zone, introduced OceanFax FoIP Fax Server to visitors, including its benefits brought to organizations, innovative features, rich applications, absolute advantages over traditional fax servers, as well as shared its specially designed FoIP solutions for customers from different industries and of different kinds, all kinds of FoIP applications by integrating with call centers. OceanX’s well-designed booth, advanced solutions and professional consultants not only improved its international image, but also attracted great attention from visitors.

OceanFax FoIP Fax Server – Global Pioneering & Asia’s First Boardless (Software Only) Fax over IP

Asia’s Only FoIP Fax Server Certified Compatible with Cisco & Avaya

Deliver Mature & Proven Centralized Multi-site FoIP Solution

OceanFax FoIP Fax Server is global pioneering & Asia’s first boardless (software only) fax over IP. It is also Asia’s only FoIP fax server certified compatible with Cisco and Avaya, offers mature centralized multi-site FoIP solution proven by numerous customer successes across industries, which supports centralized and virtualized fax infrastructure to deliver services to multiple locations from one central data center. All the sub-categories of OceanFax Fax Server, e.g. unified messaging fax server, advanced fax server, enterprise fax server and fax appliance, support FoIP. With the cutting-edge technology and stable performance, OceanFax FoIP stands out from competitors, commands a large share of high-end fax server market and also leads the trend of the FoIP field. OceanFax FoIP is undoubtedly the best choice of customers from all industries.

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fax server
fax server
fax server

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OceanX’s Product Consultant introduces the advantages, benefits of OceanFax Centralized Multi-site FoIP Solution, as well as explains how it works and shares customer cases
(Click the image to play)
